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Like the madhya pradesh government ROBS the identity,data of engineers from other states, Kuno cheetahs also wander outside the sanctuary

Times of India has been reporting almost daily on the activities of the imported Kuno cheetahs in the state of madhya pradesh, how these cheetahs are wandering outside the sanctuary in the farmland. Their reporter has forgotten to mention that the imported cheetahs are only following the footsteps of their host state , madhya pradesh , whose officials are wandering outside the state to steal the identity, data of vulnerable citizens, professionals and investors like the domain investor owning this website to get lucrative no work, no investment, central government jobs for housewives in the state.
The domain investor has never visited madhya pradesh, she has no professional connection, yet the madhya pradesh government officials are like the Kuno cheetahs targetting her to steal her identity, data and get lucrative no work, no investment government job for indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does not invest money in domains at all.
while the forest department officials are trying to persuade the cheetahs to stop wandering outside, there is no one in india to stop the madhya pradesh government and other states like goa, haryana, gujarat from stealing the identity, resume of investors from outside the state to get lucrative housewives central government jobs since the salary money will be spent or invested only in madhya pradesh

Police complaint can be filed for jewelry theft,not for resume theft by top indian government employees

According to media reports in Hindustan Times, Jewelry,watches and other items costing Rs 1.98 crores stolen from house of NTT Managing director Sharad Sanghi by his domestic help Milen Soren from Odissa. The items were allegedly kept in the bedroom locker. The domestic help was working with the family for more than two years.
After the items were missing, a police complaint was filed at Gamdevi and the domestic help was arrested from Mahim.
According to the police items stolen were
– watch worth Rs 20 lakh
– diamond bracelet
– diamond ring
– necklaces & earrings
– gold chains
This theft highlights the problem faced in finding reliable domestic help, many of them may rob or cause more harm like murder
Though the MD of NTT was being paid well and could afford the best domestic help, it is very difficult to predict whether the person hired is honest or not or a background check was not done
When the household help or maidservants steals items their employer can file a police complaint, but in the indian internet sector when high status respectable fraud raw/cbi employees like haryana’s top fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, indore robber deepika/veena, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, bengaluru cheater nayanshree, steal the resume including allegedly a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, data, fake ownership of domains including this to get government jobs with monthly government salary at expense of the real engineer, the engineer cannot file a complaint since police do register complaints against intelligence and security agency employees

Allegedly top indian government employees puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay are allegedly involved in resume theft of their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, and have used the stolen resume to get their real girlfriends who did not answer JEE lucrative raw/cbi jobs

For continuing their identity theft racket, raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro send woman with bundles of cash to stand next to the domain investor

Due to massive identity theft racket of government agencies, tech and internet companies since 2010 on obc engineers with good JEE rank so that panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees FAKING a btech 1993 eegree can get a monthly government salary, the domain investor is making her payments using cheque, since some banks are not enabling internet banking after RESUME ROBBERY,identity theft by ntro/raw/cbi employees especially panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro.

It appears that whenever the domain investor goes to the bank, government agencies are using this opportunity to click defamatory photos, videos. When the domain investor went to make cheque payment for taxes, the bank staff told her to wait for a long time. It appears that the delay was intentional, was used to ask ae married woman with a large number of Rs 500 cash bundles to come and stand next to the domain investor to create the impression that the married woman was associated with the domain investor when there was no connection at all.

The married woman was wearing a mangalsutra, maroon salwar kameez, was carrying a smart phone with a photo of a young girl, probably her daughter as the background image, She intentionally should next to the domain investor for a very long time, so that the RESUME ROBBER raw/cbi employees could make and circulate defamatory photos. This shows how ruthless and cunning the government employees are in generating images, videos for criminal defamation. Later haryana fraud mba hr raw employee ruchita kinge posted a photo of herself on instagram in a maroon outfit, indicating that the cash-carrying woman and ruchita kinge may be linked to the framing

Powerful lovers of Kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammerschool dropout cbi employee naina premchandani threatening people with identity theft

sindhi seducer, abuse of power

Though the Kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammerschool dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani does not invest any money in domains at all like her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, some of the most powerful top indian government employees parmar, tushar parekh, puneet, nikhil sha are so blinded by their lust for her, that they have got the sindhi sex queen naina premchandani and her scammer sons raw/cbi jobs since 2014 FAKING domain ownership, online income and bank account at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer.
Though these GREEDY LIAR top indian government employees are aware that sindhi sex queen naina premchandani is only a school dropout illegally married at 16, blinded by their lust they are abusing their great powers and DUPING people, companies and countries with fake stories that the sindhi school dropout is an experienced engineer so that the sindhi sex queen and her scammer sons continue to get monthly government salaries for faking domain ownership
While the kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani has been only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband and sleeping with powerful men, the single woman engineer has worked professionally for several years and knows people. So it appears that to cover up the resume theft fraud, the powerful gujju lovers and sindhis are threatening anyone who exposes the resume theft of the panaji/kolhapur cbi employee.sindhi scammer naina premchandani who is only a shameless eighth standard pass school dropout housewife, who has never registered any domain at all

Showing how SHAMELESS FRAUDS the gujju, sindhi officials/leaders promoting panaji/kolhapur cbi employee.sindhi scammer naina premchandani are, they persuaded godaddy to feature a look alike of sindhi scammer naina premchandani in the ads falsely claiming that the sindhi sex queen naina who like her powerful FRAUD LIAR gujju lovers does not pay for any domain ,owns this and other domains

It now appears that the gujju, sindhi officials/leaders promoting the sindhi sex queen naina are now threatening anyone who exposes shameless scammer naina’s resume theft, online, financial fraud,domain ownership fraud with identity theft. The sindhi, gujju fraud officials/leaders have hacked the audio on the desktop so the domain investor cannot hear what is said in the video. Later the domain investor checked the audio of Godaddy ad featuring the sindhi sex queen naina and found that she is threatening the person with identity theft, if he does not register a domain, a duplicate of him will be created

Someone impersonates Sugar daddy government employee puneet and posts on multiple blogs after he leaves his job in 2019

Indicating the high levels of infighting in government agencies, Someone impersonates Sugar daddy government employee puneet and posts on multiple blogs about being a professional musician after he leaves his job in 2019
It appears that the person who posted the professional musician post, had a role to play in making him leave the job. After Sugar daddy government employee puneet became notorious for his resume theft, it appears someone decided to impersonate him and post on multiple blogs

As a professional and well-known musician, I must present myself in the best image. When I am on stage, I have to give a good look and sound for my fans. My band and I have many female fans. They love to swoon at our looks and dance to our music. I am the lead singer and front-runner of my band. My appearance is constantly under scrutiny from the public eye. Recently, I noticed that I had some small wrinkles and bags around my eyes. I need a Singapore aesthetic clinic to help me with my aging face.

My love for music began at an early age. I wanted to take karate lessons, but my mom would not let me. She felt that it was too dangerous for me. Instead, she enrolled me into piano lessons. At first, I did not playing the piano, but after a while, I thought it was fun.

Selling raddhi exposes how ruthless rich and powerful people are in identity theft of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer

The rich and powerful in india have everything,. money, social status, they are not denied their fundamental rights like the domain investor without a legally valid reason, their correspondence is not robbed by the greedy goan extortionists robbers riddhi, siddhi, sunaina without a legally valid reason.
Yet despite their excellent life and lifestyle, there is no limit to the extreme greed of the rich and powerful in india, for more than 12 years, Rs 5 crore of taxpayer money has been wasted annually to force a single woman engineer to agree to identity theft give up her impressive resume to lazy greedy well connected frauds who did not bother to answer JEE or invest money in domains.
All other indians are allowed to make money selling their product or service to other indian citizen, to force the single woman engineer to agree to identity theft, destroy her self esteem completely, the single woman is not allowed to make a single paisa online from indian citizens despite investing a huge amount of money online, Rs 4-5 lakh every year.
Anyone who even tries to purchase anything is threatened, so they are forced to stop and every transaction of the single woman online and offline is closely monitored.
Since 2010, the mhow monster ntro employee puneet did not allow the single woman to even sell raddhi, making fake allegations of black money due to which the house is very congested. Now the single woman is slowly selling the raddhi, and the great fraud of the indian internet sector in blocking payment is exposed. For 4 kg of newspaper, the raddhiwala will pay Rs 100, but the fraud loving indian internet sector, will not allow her to even make Rs 100 from selling text links, banner or other advertising, making fake claims about domain, website ownership, black money allegations and poor quality work
When customers outside india are paying for advertising, the government agencies are falsely claiming that their employees frauds who do not pay any money for domains, own the websites of a private citizen in a clear case of criminal defamation forcing the real domain investor to paste disclaimers.

In some cases instead of money, greedy government employees EXTORTING resumes of professionals to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives/friends raw/cbi jobs

Like the aryan khan extortion case GREEDY LIAR madhya pradesh government involved in EXTORTION for 11 years to get indore ROBBER housewife deepika/veena raw salary at the expense of goa 1989 jee topper
One of the reasons why the Aryan Khan arrest case got a lot of publicity, is because it shows the real behavior of the government employees which the mainstream media does not cover otherwise, especially the extortion rackets which they are running to become richer
Though they get a very good salary and pension, there is no limit to their greed, the central and state government employees are always finding excuses to extort money from indian citizens, with those from powerless communities like the domain investor worst affected. While the NCB case is being verified, there are cases filed against former mumbai police commissioner parambir singh, IPS for extortion. The shiv sena MP sanjay raut, also mentioned that Samuel D’souza was involved in money laundering for IPS and IAS officers.
The domain investor is mainly complaining about the extortion of her btech 1993 ee classmates working in ntro/raw/cbi who are making fake allegations and then cheating, exploiting and torturing her in a sophisticated form of extortion
Additionally the state government like the madhya pradesh, goa, karnataka, haryana, maharashtra government are also running an extortion racket, making fake security threat allegations without any proof against the harmless single woman engineer for saving some money
India does not have a pension system or social security and the engineer has saved some money for her old age, when it will be difficult to get paid work.
For example the GREEDY LIAR shameless madhya pradesh government is aware that indore ROBBER housewife deepika/veena has assets of more than Rs 7-8 crores in the form of land and gold which is more than the assets of the domain investor, single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper who only has some savings
When indore robber raw employee deepika/veena with assets of Rs 7-8 crores is not labelled a security threat, why is the single woman engineer with far less assets, falsely labelled a security threat, the indian and state government fail to explain
yet taking advantage of the fact that the goa 1989 jee topper has no one to help or defend her, the madhya pradesh and other dishonest state governments are falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat without any proof at all, to steal her resume, and get lazy greedy frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, domain investor, in a case of government SLAVERY which ILO should be aware of
For example, the greedy goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, has never invested money in domains, has no engineering degree, yetfraud LIAR goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar, naik are criminally defaming the domain investor, in a clear case of RESUME THEFT the goa government, is falsely claiming that sunaina, panaji call girl is an experienced engineer in a case of RESUME EXTORTION, financial fraud
Similar panaji greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband cheater caro, working in security agencies is also running an extortion racket in panaji, stealing all the correspondence and faking domain ownership
Showing their lack of corporate ethics, allegedly google, tata, indian internet companies continue to support the extortion racket of greedy government employees and it has continued for 11 years without being questioned

Certified Sewer & Drain Offers the Best Emergency Plumbing Services in Bergen County NJ

Everyone has experienced the anger and frustration of dealing with water leaks and being in the need of emergency plumbing. Customers, both residential and businesses, understand that it is critical to get leaks, clogged pipes, and other plumbing issues resolved immediately. That is why many customers who are looking for an emergency plumber in Bergen County NJ choose the great team at Certified Sewer & Drain. Their expertise, knowledge, experience, and customer care enable them to offer the best plumbing services in the area, and their team makes customers happy when they have urgent needs.

The team shows great customer care by responding promptly to plumbing emergencies. The Certified Sewer & Drain team cares about customers so much that they will even help customers immediately shut off their main water line to prevent damage if the customer does not know how to do so. The team understands that time matters, so they make sure to respond as quickly as possible to emergencies, but they are also flexible and can schedule appointments in advance. The team shows that they care about customers with their helpfulness and prompt responses.

The Certified Sewer & Drain team also has an impressive record of saving customers money due to their knowledge and expertise. The teams’ expertise is evident because they know how to fix busted pipes, which if they remain broken, can cost the customer more money in the long-term. Busted pipes can lead to leaks that increase water bills, they can rust which will lead to an expensive replacement, or the pipes can rupture and create damage throughout the property. Thanks to the expertise of the team, these issues are mitigated, and customers ultimately save money by connecting with the Certified Sewer & Drain team.

The team shows their industry knowledge with the breadth and depth of services that they offer. The team displays their versatile knowledge by fixing a wide array of issues like pipe leaks, clogged toilets, cleaning drains and sewers, repairing frozen pipes, and offering emergency pump repair. The breadth and depth of the services offered by the team demonstrates their broad industry knowledge, and therefore they are an industry leader in Bergen County NJ.

As customers can see, the Certified Sewer & Drain team offers a great deal of knowledge, expertise, experience and customer care. This is why customers are satisfied with their services and depend on the Certified Sewer & Drain team during plumbing emergencies.

Spending the Evening with an Asian Escort Can Be Delightful

I am in town on business and looking for an Asian escort in Provo UT. Since I am not familiar with the area, finding the right agency may be a bit tricky. All I know is that I have looking for this type of thing in other cities I have visited an I had a nice time.

The first thing I need to do is find a website that gives me the option of meeting an Asian escort in Provo UT. I do not want to meet any other type of woman, This is my preference and I am looking for a company that can accommodate me. I also want to see if I can find a place that would be willing to allow me to meet more than one girl at the same time. This is not something I have done before, but it seems like it can be an even better time.

I also want to use a service that has very attractive girls that are well spoken and able to hold a conversation. While many people look for Asian escorts because they believe they will be more docile and submissive, that does not mean that having a good conversation should be off the table.

It is critical that discretion is assured by the service I decide to patronize. If my boss got wind of me doing something like this, I have no idea what kind of hell it would create. Never mind the fact that my wife would not be happy either.

As long as i can find a discreet company that has good looking Asian girls, I will be more than happy with my trip to Provo. While i am working hard during the day, it would be great to have a good time once I am off the clock.

Cutting Down Trees to Make Room for a Modular

My parents are elderly and starting to have a hard time managing on their own. They did not want to move to an assisted living facility, but they also knew they could no longer stay on their own. We came up with a happy compromise when they asked if they could put a modular home on our land. We have several acres, and it was the perfect solution so they’d have their independence but they would have family right there to help too. Before we could do this, I had to contact a company for tree removal in Hendersonville NC.

We had scoped out the property to find the best place for the modular, and the only good place was already occupied by two large trees. We could have put the modular in front of the trees, but I did not want to risk the trees falling on their new home should we get a severe storm. I went online to start researching the best way to cut down two trees. I found a local tree services company, and I just contacted them, hoping they could come out and give us an estimate on what it would cost to remove the two trees.

I know some people would have a hard time cutting down two healthy trees, but my parents being close to me was higher on my priority list. If it meant the trees coming down so they could be close to me, I was all for it. The arborist came out to look at the trees and give me an estimate on what it would cost to take down both trees, remove the stumps and do some landscaping to make it nice for my folks. The price was definitely reasonable, so I went ahead and scheduled it. The trees are now down, the modular is coming next week, and our whole family is so excited!