Monthly Archives: November 2024

LIAR CHEATER madhya pradesh government continues to make FAKE allegation to run massive resume robbery, ONLINE FRAUD, SLAVERY racket

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to help migrants from north karnataka, especially those residing in mumbai, the GREEDY LIAR CHEATER madhya pradesh government continues to make FAKE allegation against online investors, workers to run massive resume robbery, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD racket and get the lazy greedy cheater indore housewife bespectacled deepika/veena a lucrative no work, no investment government job in the indian internet sector faking online income, domain ownership including this one

the cheater liar indore officials/leaders are fully aware that greedy cheater indore housewife bespectacled deepika/veena like the greedy goan government employees sunaina dhond, siddhi mandrekar,nayanshree, asmita patel, naina chandwani,panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and other domain fraudster government employees, does not pay any expenses, does not do any computer/mobile work at all, deepika/veena are only cooking and cleaning for their crooked husband.

Yet in a major vyapam type fraud, the LIAR CHEATER madhya pradesh government continues to run its extortion racket since 2010, make FAKE allegations of security threat without any proof, against a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka who has never visited mp and rob her data and make fake claims about indore cheater housewife deepika/veena . The incompetent indian government agencies blindly believe the lies of the dishonest indore officials/leaders to waste taxpayer money, paying the indore housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary and duping countries, companies and people with their fake stories about indore’s top cheater.

The domains are always for sale, and though the massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket has made indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena very rich, she refuses to purchase even one domain, relies on the cheater liar top tech, internet companies, some liar government employees from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, vinay, prakash to help her continue her massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket to get great powers, monthly government salary which will be spent or invested only in madhya pradesh, which has supported fraud indore housewife deepika/veena in her fraud since 2010.