Some of the most dangerous liar fraud government employees are the Shivalli brahmin ntro employees hathwar, kodancha from gangolli, udupi, who are shameless liars and cheaters involved in identity theft rackets, of bhandari single woman engineers to get their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre relatives like bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm, R&AW jobs with the stolen resume, savings, memory of the engineer
These officials will make fake money laundering, black money and security threat allegations against the harmless single woman engineer without any legally valid proof, to defame, cheat and exploit her for the rest of her life, They are also hacking her browser repeatedly so that she is wasting her time , and they can falsely claim that their relative, who is only looking after her home and family, is doing the work, so that she gets a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the engineer
These officials are completely devoid of humanity , honesty , personal and professional integrity and will refuse to admit their mistake, though bank details will prove that they are hypocrites and liars, involved in a banking, identity theft fraud