In a clear indication of the lack of honesty and vision of the goan leaders and officials, the home of a single woman bhandari engineers with good JEE rank in panaji has been burgled repeatedly to force her give up her identity, savings to a lazy greedy goan bhandari PROSTIUTE R&AW employee offering SEX services to fraud brahmin classmates of the bhandari woman engineer led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, who hate the engineer and have done everything possible to destroy her life wasting Rs 30 crores of indian taxpayer money .
The goan bhandari leaders and officials led by pritesh chodankar, bribed by google, tata were initially overconfident that they could frame the engineer, domain investor, google competitor in goa and force her to agree to the unfair and humiliating identity theft, giving up her resume, savings to lazy greedy goan bhandari PROSTIUTE R&AW employee offering SEX services to the fraud brahmin classmates of the bhandari woman engineer. However after 6 years, these officials are unable to frame the engineer, because she does not interact with many people and does not cheat people.
So now that they are unable to frame the engineer, they are instead committing crimes on her, to force her to agree to identity theft. While criminal trespassing was a problem faced for a long time, in 2018, burglary and robbery has become a major problem for the single woman engineer, with her house being burgled at least twice in 2018, in addition to many instances of robbery